Category: Uncategorized

  • A New Dimension of Zofia Rydet at MUFO Krakow

    A New Dimension of Zofia Rydet at MUFO Krakow

    Yesterday, I had the pleasure of visiting the new MuFo museum in Krakow, located at Rakowicka 22A. This recently renovated space, completed in 2022, represent the great potential that Poland can achieve in modern design and functionality, creating a perfect setting for photography exhibition. The highlight of my visit was The World of Feelings and…

  • Leaders


    Leaders are invisible. They never take merit for their teamwork. They stay back, in the shadow, putting their team in front of the spotlight. Leaders refrain from blaming their teammates, whether in public or private settings. They always put their signature on their team’s failure. Leaders are humble. They can say sorry when they are…

  • A quote

    A quote

    A quote from Pier Paolo Pasolini that I find inspiring enough to save for future reference: not to forget who I am, never to lose my humanity, to not sacrifice my soul for a career, a personal goal, or any other selfish activities. “I believe it is important to educate the younger generations about the significance of…

  • 5 Causes of Low Conversion Rates and How to Improve Them With UX Techniques

    5 Causes of Low Conversion Rates and How to Improve Them With UX Techniques

    Conversion rate is usually the main metric that entrepreneurs use to measure the success of their business. Companies invest a lot to increase their conversion rates and to improve sales as a result. However, they often underestimate how UX design influences this really important metric. With some simple tricks and UX methods, you can significantly raise your conversion rate. In…

  • 10 free Gothic and Grotesque fonts to use in your next project

    10 free Gothic and Grotesque fonts to use in your next project

    Product Designers know that choosing a good font can be challenging and frustrating due to our client’s budget restrictions. For this reason, I created this collection of nice Gothic and Grotesque fonts that you can use for free in your next project. I hope you will find it helpful. Plus Jakarta Sans Designer: Tokotype Plus Jakarta Sans is…